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The Detroit Tree Equity Partnership is a civic initiative with partners across both public and private sectors, non-profit and for-profit organizations, representing a significant investment in the people and communities of Detroit while fostering positive change and growth. DTEP is led by a core partner group of American Forests, the City of Detroit, DTE Energy, and The Greening of Detroit. Together, we are planting trees throughout Detroit, in the areas and for the people that need them most, and training Detroit residents in the planting and maintenance of these trees, placing them in careers in the tree care industry.

3 men planting a tree
Trees Planted
Volunteer Hours
Pounds of CO2 Sequestered


Mulch being compacted

Physical Health

Trees deliver key community health benefits, reducing our stress, lowering our blood pressure, and helping reduce our overall risk of chronic disease by up to 50%.

4 happy individuals

Mental Health

People living within a quarter mile of greened lots have reported a 41.5% decrease in feelings of depression and a nearly 63% decrease in self-reported
“poor mental health”.

Tree plating

Community Safety

Trees help improve community safety and reduce violence; studies have found that a 10% increase in trees can deliver a 12% decrease in crime. 

Volunteer planting

Area Cooling

Trees can cool the air beneath their shade by 6 degrees, and areas with adequate tree cover can be up to 17 degrees cooler than neighborhoods without.

A row of newly planted trees

Air Quality

Urban trees play a crucial role in removing pollution from our air, helping to reduce rates of respiratory diseases and death.

Two rows of newly planted trees being watered

Stormwater Runoff

Mature trees can capture over 1,000 gallons of stormwater each year, reducing flooding while removing pollutants and improving water quality.


Learn How to Plant a Tree

Happy Spring!

The DTEP spring season runs from April 1st to June 7th, with some partners’ volunteer activities beginning earlier. This spring we are excited to be planting more than 500 trees with the DTEP crew, our partners are hosting more than 30 community planting events, and we will be giving away over 2,000 trees to Detroiters through various distribution events. To learn more, check out our calendar and get involved at a volunteer event in your community.

Trees Planted by Volunteers
Trees Planted
by Crew
Trees Planted
by Detroiters
Trees Planted
by Crew
Trees Planted
by Volunteers
Trees Planted
by Detroiters